Update v0.3.0 Auto-Save arrives!

Hey everyone! 👋

We’re excited to share a huge update that we know many of you have been waiting for: Auto-Save is now live! 🎉

Let’s dive into what this means for you and how it will transform your gaming experience:

💾 What is Auto-Save?

We all know the feeling: you're deep into the game, making progress, and then—boom! You forget to save, or something unexpected happens. Well, those days are over! With the new Auto-Save feature, the game will now automatically save your progress during critical moments, ensuring your hard-earned progress is never lost.

🛠️ When Does Auto-Save Kick In?

Auto-Save is triggered during two key actions:

  • Clicks: Every time you click during gameplay, the game will automatically save your current progress. No more worrying about losing time!
  • Upgrades: Anytime you purchase an upgrade, Auto-Save steps in and secures that progress for you.

This means you can now focus more on enjoying the game and less on hitting that manual save button. Your progress is in safe hands! 🙌

⚠️ What You Need to Know: Bugs May Appear

While we're super excited to roll out this feature, we want to be transparent with you: we developed Auto-Save as fast as possible to get it into your hands. 🚀 As a result, there might still be a few bugs lurking around.

If you notice anything odd—whether it's a glitch in saving or progress not saving properly—please don't hesitate to let us know! We're actively monitoring your feedback and will be pushing fixes as quickly as we can. Your input is what helps us refine the game into something even better. 💪

📈 Why Auto-Save?

We heard your feedback loud and clear! Our goal is to always make your experience as smooth and enjoyable as possible, and we know manual saving can sometimes break immersion or be easy to forget during exciting moments. Auto-Save ensures that you can keep up the momentum, whether you're just casually playing or hitting those massive milestones in the game.

This is just the beginning! We’re continuing to work on more quality-of-life improvements to make the game even better. And as always, we’re so thankful for your support and patience as we keep growing and evolving.

We’re incredibly excited to see how Auto-Save enhances your experience. Keep the feedback coming, and as always—happy gaming! 🎮💾

Until next time, -graveman


ProjectY.zip Play in browser
12 days ago

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